Liquor Licensing
If you own and operate a business in NSW and you wish to sell alcohol, you will likely require a liquor licence. Whether you are buying or selling a licenced business, applying for a liquor licence, or have received a fine, the lawyers at PDC Law can assist.
- Liquor Licence Applications
- Small Bar Licence
- Microbreweries and Small Distilleries Licence
- On-Premises Licence
- Hotel Licence
- General Bar Licence
- Community Impact Statements
- Buying, Selling and Leasing Licensed Premises
In the state of NSW there are a number of different liquor licence types.
Applying for a Liquor Licence
The liquor licence you need depends on your specific circumstances. PDC Law can assist you with advice as to the licence you require and then the process of applying for a liquor licence.
Having regard to liquor licensing provisions at the start of your project can save you significant time and money.
Our team can work alongside you from the very beginning of your journey and is equipped to assist you with site selection, early consultation with local Councils, NSW Police and other stakeholders, Development Application preparation and lease or property purchase negotiations in addition to the liquor licensing application.
We are also skilled at preparing Community Impact Statements that, where required, accompany your liquor licence application.
This integrated approach is unique to PDC Law.
In certain circumstances, obtaining a small bar licence can be a relatively straightforward process.
Obtaining a Small Bar Licence
If your premises holds a limited number of patrons (no more than 120), has no gaming machines and does not permit the sale of takeaway alcohol, you may be able to apply for a small bar licence.
While obtaining a small bar licence can be relatively straightforward, your application can take longer if you do not submit the correct information or fail to submit required information.
Here at PDC Law, our aim is to make the process of obtaining a small bar license as streamlined as possible resulting in significant cost and time savings.
With respect to licencing, the NSW Government has recently initiated a special drink on-premises authorisation for small-scale producers of beer, cider and spirits.
Liquor Licensing for Microbreweries
Microbreweries are increasing in popularity, and a recent change to NSW planning legislation has made it easier to obtain development consent for the establishment of these places in zones where previously it was not possible. In certain Local Government Areas, it is now possible to establish Artisan Food and Drink Premises (i.e. microbreweries and the like) in industrial and rural areas in addition to commercially zoned areas.
With respect to licensing, the NSW Government has recently initiated a special drink on-premises authorisation for small-scale producers of beer, cider and spirits.
This licence authorises business owners to sell the products they make for consumption on premises (i.e. within the brewery) and in full serves, not just as tastings, to up to 120 people on the proviso that food is available.
If your passion is brewing and your new business depends on this being your focus, you should consider engaging the services of PDC Law. Setting up a new microbrewery should be a fulfilling, rewarding and creative process. Suffering setbacks as a result of getting paperwork wrong isn’t going to make anyone happy, and making mistakes can be costly.
Call us today for a discussion concerning your proposal. We would be pleased to assist.
An on-premises licence authorises the sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises when another product or service is provided to customers including food, entertainment or accommodation.
On-Premise Licensing and Primary Service Aurthorisation
All restaurants holding an on-premises licence need to meet certain criteria relating to the availability of varied food options, food menus, venue setup and the like. It is also possible to extend an on-premises licence to allow for the service of alcohol without accompanying food by obtaining a primary service authorisation.
These applications can require the submission of a Community Impact Statement. PDC can do most of the heavy lifting when it comes to preparation of Community Impact Statements saving you time and energy.
A hotel licence allows for the sale of alcohol to the public for consumption on the premises (i.e. within a pub) and the sale of takeaway alcohol.
Assisting with all Aspects of Hotel Licensing
Types of businesses that use this licence include pubs, accommodation hotels and larger bars capable of hosting over 120 people.
PDC can assist with all aspects of hotel licensing.
The purpose of the licence is to sell alcohol to the public for consumption on the premises.
General Bar Licensing
The general bar licence enables business operators to operate dining facilities, and provide accommodation and public entertainment.
However, the licence provides no authorisation for the sale of takeaway alcohol, the operation of gaming machines, keno or wagering.
PDC can assist with all aspects of general bar licensing.
A Community Impact Statement is a document outlining important information that enables Liquor and Gaming NSW to assess the potential impact of the licensed premises on a neighbourhood.
Preparing Community Impact Statement Documentation
A Community Impact Statement is typically required to accompany the following applications:
- Hotel licence;
- General bar licence;
- Packaged liquor licence (including bottle shops and online sales);
- Nightclub licence (on-premises);
- Registered club licence; and
- Small bar licences (in certain circumstances).
Our team of qualified lawyers have extensive experience in preparing Community Impact Statement documentation. Getting the process wrong can cause significant delays with respect to getting your new business up and running. If you require assistance with preparing a Community Impact Statement, don’t hesitate to call us.
For the sale and transfer of a licensed premises, special consideration needs to be given to a range of additional matters.
Tailored Contract Provisions for the Sale and Transfer of a Licensed Premise
Here at PDC Law, transactional legal work is something we do daily. For the sale and transfer of a licensed premises, special consideration needs to be given to a range of additional matters including the transfer of a liquor licence, compliance issues, and mortgagee security. These all require tailored contract provisions that we are well placed to draft and advise on.
In the unfortunate event that you need to respond to compliance, disciplinary action, or an application to impose new restrictions on your liquor licence, we can represent, advise and assist you throughout the process of resolving the matter.
Legal Expertise
Proceed with confidence.
PDC Law is a specialist commercial, property and dispute resolution law firm. Our lawyers have a combined experience of over 40 years.
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