Commercial Lawyers

Business & Commercial Transactions

Our inhouse team of experienced Commercial Lawyers can manage a diverse range of commercial transactions. Our level of expertise is derived from combined 40+ years of experience and our commitment to being commercially astute and trusted advisors.

  • Buying or selling a business
  • Shareholder Agreements
  • Employment Agreements
  • Independent Contractor Agreements
Are you seeking advice on Business & Commercial Transactions?
PDC Law lawyers can assist. Request a call back here:
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Buying or selling a business

Are you buying or selling a business?

Get in touch

Arguably the most important commercial transaction is the buying or selling of a business which can be complex and, if dealt with incorrectly, can end in expensive litigation.

Business and Commercial Transactions

Our Commercial Lawyers can assist with these types of business and commercial transactions including:

  • Working with you and your accountant to prepare your business for sale;
  • Non Disclosure/Confidentiality Agreements;
  • Pre-contractual negotiations and drafting Heads of Agreement or Exclusivity Agreements;
  • Drafting Business Sale Contracts and negotiations;
  • Transfers of Employees, Employment Contracts and Employee Entitlement Adjustments;
  • Transfers of Business Names, Trade Marks, Intellectual Property, Domain Names;
  • Transfers of Supplier Agreements and Licences;
  • Assignments of Leases or the Surrender and grants of a new Lease;
  • Assignments of contracts and agreements including franchise agreements (where applicable);
  • Reasonable Restraints of Trade;
  • Structuring Options for your purchasing entity;
  • Business Debtors Adjustments;
  • Loan & Security Agreements including Vendor Finance Agreements; and
  • Option Agreements and Rights of First Refusal.

Given our experience in dealing with a wide range of commercial matters, we can provide you with the guidance and support necessary to give you the best prospects of a smooth, successful and hassle-free transaction.

Shareholder Agreements

Do you need a legal Shareholder Agreement written for your company?

Get in touch

To protect both the interests of shareholders and interests of the company, it is important to have a written Shareholder Agreement.

Tailored Shareholder Agreements

Our Commercial Lawyers will work with you and carefully consider what rights, benefits, obligations and restrictions (if any) you wish to place on shareholders including but not limited to:

  • Operation and management of the company;
  • Appointment of Directors;
  • Distribution of dividends;
  • Obligations to work in the business;
  • Employment entitlements;
  • Approval of expenditure;
  • Voting rights;
  • Sale of shares and issuing new shares;
  • Loans and finance;
  • Death or permanent disablement;
  • Resignation age and exit rights; and
  • Termination, notice periods and post termination restraints.

We can also draft Unit Holder Agreements and Partnership Agreements tailored to your business needs.

Employment & Independent Contractor Agreements

Do you need a legal contract for your employees and/or independent contractors?

Get in touch

The biggest expense of a business is generally wages and labour costs. It is reasonable to say this also presents the biggest risk to a business.

Drafting Independent Contractor and Employment Agreements

To mitigate this risk, it is vital that a business has written agreements with all of its employees and contractors which set out the terms and obligations of their engagement with the business.

While there are generic agreements available, they may not meet the specific requirements of your business. Our Commercial Lawyers are skilled in drafting independent contractor and employment agreements tailored to meet your needs.

Contact us for a free, initial no obligation consultation to discuss how we can help your business.

Legal Expertise

Proceed with confidence.

PDC Law is a specialist commercial, property and dispute resolution law firm. Our lawyers have a combined experience of over 40 years.

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